Reiki Course 2 – 6 of 6 Finishing Touch



  • Short recap
  • Importance of being grounded
  • Importance of connecting form compassion
  • Energizing the room
  • Hosanna Invocation
  • Whats next? 

Short ReCap 

​In the last weeks you’ve developed your Reiki II skills. You started to work with Reiki II and mostly you start to develop Reader skills as well then. 

Not all schools of Reiki nurture these Reading Skills – but I do. I belief in the importance on sensing, verifying, analyzing and understanding the symbolic language of the Energetic work you do. 

It is highly important to work as unbiased as possible. And it is important to realise that you are communicating on a Soul – Level. So when you start to do a Reiki II session and you feel/ see / hear all kinds of everything – and you are communicating please do keep in mind the following:  ​

  • Communicate as clear and straight as possible. > ‘I cannot see / feel / hear you clearly. Please be more specific’
  • Communicate in a direct and straight manner. No tricky semantic or NLP Like constructions: ‘You don’t Know what is needed?’ > Can you show me in a different manner what you mean by this. NOT: > What if you would know the answer?’ The reason is simple: you are communicating on a high Soul level. And you are not on a sub-conscious level. That is a very big difference. 
  • Talk until you have a clear view / answer or skip this passage. ‘Hey, is that you’re grandpa? Are you willing to tell something? No? Sorry, his not clear, I don’t get the information, I will let you go.’

The importance of being grounded

Your grounding and being rooted is very very important. Why is that? It is like building a construction. You need te be stabilised. First of all to be able to come back with your spirit to the here and now. Second we want you to feel comfortable and strong whilest doing a session. You need your body and soul to be safe. Third it helps to make it very clear what is your energy and what is the others field or energy. 

​The importance of connecting from compassion

​Already in Reiki I you learn to heal from a very clear starting point, you connect to your compassion and that lives in your heart. So it works to connect with your own heart before you start a session. That is the way to heal, your head is just a guideline in this, it will help you with the knowledge you have on a certain subject, it will although not take over. Let your compassion help you to follow your intuition in the session and to overcome eventual prejudices about the things you might encounter.

Energising the room​

Before you start to work it is important you make the workspace suitable for what you are doing. Create a nice atmosphere and set the room with the right intention and energy you need in the moment. Here is a guide to follow on that specific subject. 

Cleaning The Room and Setting the Energy

Hosanna Invocation​

​The Hosanna Invocation is a very powerful tool to cleanup with energy rests, entities, or parts in a life you don’t need or want anymore. It is a delicate choice is it is appropriate to use the Invocation. Be aware that the moment 

The Hosanna Symbol is drawn in 2 flowing lines. Eileen Gurhy gave the Hosanna Symbol to us.

Follow the 1,2,3 in the picture and say Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna while you are painting.

Hosanna is a very special symbol. It is used tot clean. For example: auras, buildings, bodies or relations. You use it then with CKR in combination.

There is a special invocation with the Hosanna, a deep cleaning ritual. It releases form entities and energies and people you don’t want to be in your life anymore. This is a ritual for a expulsion or exorcising. This is a special format and it is for specialists. Use it with care. Prepare thoroughly.

It is not without danger since the released energies would like to cling on to you. So don’t make contact, don’t talk…Use it only when you are able to communicate thoroughly with your guides.


(This invocation was created by Kathleen Milner.)

Draw the CKR’s and Hosanna’s. (3x The Names)

Saint Michael, Archangel (3x) take you’re sword of flames and break every bond God doesn’t want anymore between [xxxxx] and [xxxxx].

Break, cut and break with your blue flaming sword every connection God doesn’t approve anymore between [xxxxx] and [xxxxx].

Free, free by means of your blue flaming sword every connection, every tie if God no longer whishes them to exist.

Visualize St. Michael doing this act.

Draw the CKR’s and Hosanna’s (3x)

Angels of the Violette Fire (3x), take all the psychological rests Michael released in cutting the bonds between [xxxxx] and [xxxxx].

Free and release by means of the Violette Fire every connection and bond if God no longer whishes them to exist.

Visualize the Violette Fire doing this act.

Draw the CKR’s and Hosanna’s (3x)

Saint Germain, guard of the violette Flame (3x) I call up on you.

Take any psychological distortion, which the Angels of the Violette Flame bring to you, and all the rests taken to you by the cutting of Saint Michael’s sword, and free and change all connections God doesn’t approve.

Visualise Saint Germain doing this.

Fill up the gap immediately with:

I call upon all the Masters, Holy Saints, Archangels and Angels, to fill up every emptiness with: Colour, sound, symbols and any other form of healing which Is needed for perfect and divine healing. God, let them NOW be blessed. Let is be as is. Amen.

​Whats Next

As you already now; the reiki System consists of three degrees. When you are ready, it is possible to follow the Master Course on Reiki. If you would like to receive more information on this subject, please contact me by email.​

For now: Thank you for being my student. It was a pleasure to have you!


foto: annemieke van der togt